
Yo Quiero Summer Internship

Walt | Age: 20 | AR

What skills or gifts do you have to offer on this Internship? 

I have a good working memory and have a gift to be able to put scripture to experiences. I also have some skills in agriculture from working many hours at Hopewell farms. I’m a good listener, I’m compassionate, and I work hard.

How can people be praying for you? 

People can be praying that I can grow in my capacity to be a benefit to people while I wait for this trip. Whether it be learning more about farming, Spanish, Swahili, Luganda, or implementing God’s word to inform the way I prepare myself and learn lessons from the Lord that he will use to keep teaching me when I’m abroad.


What is your favorite Scripture, and why? 

John 17. It’s incredibly profound to me. The fact that Jesus prays in such a way that ties the entire gospel together, loves his disciples, and applies to our current moment directly is very impactful for me. He intercedes on behalf of people who will believe in him even in the future, meaning that Jesus is still actively praying for us as we do his word, just as the Spirit intercedes for us in Romans 8. Jesus often prays by himself, but when we as his people get to hear what he prayed for, it’s very significant for me to learn from and be changed by.


If you were a superhero what would your power be? 

One time when I was younger I made my own superhero, and he had mosquito repellent skin, so that might be it. But I would probably just be really smart like mega mind so I could use my intellect to solve problems and channel big brain energy.

Walt needs to raise $4280 for the Summer Internship.



