The Value of Hospitality

by Olivia Beaverson

Journal Prompt:

What have you learned about the value of hospitality from being in people’s homes this week?

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I’ve learned that hospitality gives an opportunity to not only be blessed by hosts but also to bless the hosts. As I have been hosted by so many generous people this week, I have learned bits of God’s character and been blessed by those things - whether it be moms teaching their kids how to share spaces joyfully and pray for their guests, or the humility of welcoming people, unprompted, into your home not knowing the exact state it will be in, but sacrificing any pride to welcome students into a teaching moment or sharing personal testimonies and inviting the LORD to dwell in our presence as we remember him and the good work he does.

This week I saw immense love and sacrifice of people’s own desires in order to provide a place, a venue, a meal, a story, that others could meet God in. I knew as an intern, I wouldn’t have all the control over my life, my schedule, my wants, and I was excited to see what that looked like. I thought that it was going to be more hardcore, that I’d be crying and hungry to learn how the Israelites were in the wilderness, but I’ve realized while lack of control is true, I’ve been taken care of, invested into and more loved than I ever was when I was controlling it all.

I also think I’m realizing that the experience I thought I wanted of intensity and crying in the wilderness was all from the perspective of the Israelites, the ones complaining because I think God was trying to teach me what I didn’t expect to learn - that following God into the wilderness and giving control to him is hard but what he has to offer is more kind, generous, loving, and tender than anything I would have picked. I’m asking you LORD to shift my mind off my own expectations and onto you - really you. I don’t know what you want me to do but I will keep following the cloud joyfully.


Hospitality Considerations


Being Hospitable