God Will Provide

by Olivia Lasater


Journal Prompt: What is one major lesson or thing that God is teaching you so far this week? How have you found yourself tested, and what has your response been like? Can you connect that to the Bible Studies we’ve been having? 

My Thoughts

One major lesson God has been teaching me is that he will provide for my needs.  I am learning to trust that when I communicate what I need, he will provide, even when I don’t always know all that I need.  I am learning that when I ask and trust, God will provide. 

Through Bible studies I have been learning about God as our Father.  I’ve been learning God is a creator, God is good, and God listens when we talk to him. As a result, I’ve been learning how to ask my Father for what I need and trust he will provide.  I have been learning that I have access to God at any moment, I just need to talk to him.


God Gives Strength

