Re: Uganda Travel

RE: Uganda Travel 

Through research, prayer, and permission of government officials, our team is still planning to travel to Uganda. Our team, both in Uganda and stateside, believes we can still carry out the service we intended to from the start of this trip. 

A few things to keep in mind: 

  • We are aware of all of the presidential orders in Uganda and are structuring our travel to respect all of them (curfew, mode of travel, entrance requirements, and more.) 

  • We have been leading people on mission since our organization began in 1996. Epidemiology (the study of the control of disease spread) is not new to us as a development organization. 

  • We have a dozen staff members living permanently in Uganda. We are in consistent communication with them regarding political situations, their personal health, COVID restrictions, and more.

  • Global Outreach Developments (GOD) International East Africa is a registered national NGO in Uganda. 

  • GOD International East Africa has its own 14-acre campus. 

  • We have a registered nurse with us throughout the entire Summer Internship. We are well-acquainted with all local hospitals, clinics, and testing sites. 

  • We are in regular contact with local and national governing officials in Uganda regarding our travel. 

Please see the following letters from governing officials in Uganda regarding Summer Internship travel. 

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