
by Merci

SI2021 - TN Volleyball-9.jpg

Sunday’s activities introduced themes of teamwork - how to identify leadership, distribute roles, enact perseverance and flexibility, and employ encouragement in order to “win” no matter the circumstance. What did you learn about yourself form those exercises? Can you identify some roles that you are gifted in, when working on a team?

My Thoughts

Yesterday was certainly trying. It tested my patience and endurance and I was having to invest energy into the prospect of winning, when I knew the odds of actually winning were very unlikely. But there is a lesson in that tension and the lesson was that winning in that scenario was not the purpose of the activity. The purpose of the activity was to grow in our unity and cohesiveness as a team.


We strategized and improved upon our mistakes. I think each of us learned a lot about ourselves and our own roles in the team dynamic as a whole. Some of the ways I contributed to our team was in my ability to observe and gain insights into individuals’ giftings and potential contribution to the overall team effort. And then to encourage them and delegate roles.


Team Dynamic


Group Discussion Dynamics