Malorye - Update 7: Debrief Blog 1

Journal prompt: What is one lesson I’ve learned from my East African friends that I will never forget?

One of our many vehicle rides while in Uganda, my van played a small game of hot seat with our Ugandan cooperatives. One of the questions asked to a certain cooperative was, “How many disciples can you confidently say you’ve discipled?” The questions as centered on quantity. I really loved the answer that our cooperative gave. He actually answered in the form of testimony. He shared the story of a youth who came to our ministry a few years ago. He talked about how he wasn’t concerned with the numbers of people being saved or discipled but rather investing and developing individuals so they can learn the word of God. He talked about how this youth has grown exponentially since he came to be a part of our ministry, how his gifts of hard work ethic have not only surfaced and his time with the ministry but also how the community has been so positively impacted and blessed by this youth who is daily growing into who the Lord has made him to be. Our cooperative’s answer impacted me and encouraged me to remember the importance of loving people in a way that sets them free to be who the Lord has created them to be.


Ethan - Update 7: Debrief Blog 1


Luciana - Update 7: Debrief Blog 1