Rebecca - Update 7: Debrief Blog 1

Journal prompt: What is one lesson I’ve learned from my East African friends that I will never forget?

Many stories were shared this summer that I will carry with me. One that came to mind was from a brother who was sharing with me his reason for keeping his Muslim name, even after he gave his life to Christ. He shared with me on what his life looked like before knowing the Lord. He said he lived a dark and unsatisfying life where he fell into years of addiction. He talked about these things in ways that I understood his struggle. He talked about the ugly sides of addiction and of the ways it traps you in a cycle you feel like you can’t escape. 

It wasn’t til one of his friends told him about Christ that he began to feel that pull to give up his present self to follow Him. He shared how it was hard for him to become a “born again” because his family disavowed him, and it was hard to live a sober life. He struggled for a year with leaving behind his life of drugs but he was determined to follow the Lord. 

After some time and with the help of his friend who shared the gospel with him, he was able to find accountability and stability in the Lord. He shared with me how he’s been 5 years sober - no turning back. As for his Muslim name, he decided to keep it for whenever people ask him if he is Mulsim - he can say ‘no’ and proceed to let them know how the Lord completely changed his life. His relationship with his parents is still not the best but he is hopeful that his life can be a testimony of how the Lord has been so faithful to him. As someone who has struggled with addiction, it was powerful to hear a testimony about overcoming addiction and speaking truth to how it can be hard but not impossible. That the Lord can be so near to these situations and help overcome these dark cycles. 


Zeke - Update 7: Debrief Blog 1


Gabby - Update 7: Debrief Blog 1