Julian - Update 3: SLAM Blog

Today is Friday night, and we just finished hearing testimonies from the SLAM students. God is a healer, teacher, restorer, and such a good Father to us. So many students shared how their prayers are finally being answered, how they can finally feel the presence of God as they worship.

This week, the interns facilitated almost every single aspect of SLAM. We served so much! I got the beautiful opportunity of serving at a kids camp with some SLAM students, and it was so precious. I could see in their eyes how they needed a place to laugh, learn, and play. I recognized how much the Lord loves these children, and how he wants them to live a life in his peace.

I also got to bear witness to all of my friends serving so well this week, and seeing SLAM students impacted by our service. The Lord truly started a fire in the hearts of these students that will never go away.


River - Update 3: SLAM Blog


Zeke - Update 3: SLAM Blog