Julian- Update 4: EA SLAM Service Camp Reflection

We just finished up our first ever SLAM service camp in East Africa. It was beautiful. There was one major experience I had that changed my entire faith. On the first day of service projects, I was put on a team to visit a widow in the village next to Kabonge. Her name was Mama Janette, which is the same name as my mother. She was older, and had 10 kids. 7 of them left to Kampala and never came back. So sad. She is left alone to raise 3 children. Her living situation was hard to be around because it was so sad. But the whole time on the walk there, I was reminded of the song “Beautiful” by Unnamed Servant but didn’t know why it was on my mind so much until I got there. She had the cutest smile despite her life situation, which was inhumane. She could only walk on her toes because a health condition she developed over some time. Her kitchen area outside would get destroyed every time it rained. So if it rains, her family doesn’t eat. She doesn’t grow any of her own food, but borrows from neighbors. If they don’t have extra food, she doesn’t eat. Her shower in the back of her house was only a mud patch, next to her pigs. It’s so inhumane. I wanted to cry the whole time. The water that is fetched for her was brown with dirt and bug infested. She drinks it every day.

Despite all of this, as I was talking with her she had a smile. And I told her that she is truly so beautiful, and God sees her. In that moment, I felt the love of God in me like never before. It was like I finally understood why God’s word talks about serving the widows so much. I will never forget her. I pray the Lord uses this situation to direct me in how I serve him in the capacity he has given me. The Lord is truly softening my heart and allowing me to see his perspective, which was my prayer for this trip. 


Justice - Update 4: EA SLAM Service Camp Reflection


Jenna - Update 4: EA SLAM Service Camp Reflection