Get to Know Justice

What’s goin on, I’m Justice Tsedeq Garner and I’m from Nashville TN. I’m 18 and a senior graduating soon! Here’s some for info about me below…


  •  Basketball

  •  Writing songs

  •  Playing music (guitar,piano,drums,etc.)

  •  Writing stories and poetry

  •  Studying the Bible 

  •  Cutting hair

  • Soccer

Mission Skillset:

My team can always count on me to be problem solving a troubleshooting. I work well under pressure with a goal set ahead. My school (Academy for GOD) has raised me to be a critical thinker and I’m proud to say that is a strong skill set I have that I will take on the mission field.

Another skill I am able to bring to the table is my musicality. I’ve basically been trained as a worship leader since I could talk. I love leading a good time of worship. I can do it with a full band, just me on guitar or piano, or just voices with a drum! Anywhere I can worship is my happy place.

Lastly I’m very confident my team can rely on me for any manual labor. I’m a young dude with a lot of energy and I’m willing to help out anywhere you put me. I’m also a year round athlete so I have some conditioning behind me as well!

Ways you can be Praying!

There are three main things you can be praying for…

First of all for my Mom. It’s going to be a hard time for her, not only with me graduating, but then leaving the country for the summer right after. Please pray that she can rest in the peace that surpasses all understanding and that the Lord would protect me, my sister, and my father for her.

Next I would like to ask that you pray for an impactful time for me. Pray that the Lord would not only open my eyes but extend my reach and help me connect with my brothers and sisters more than I ever have before. I grew up writing letters to some of our cooperatives and even took classes with some of them online but I’ve never met them. Please pray that we can be unifying in Christ over the summer. That we will be able to come together and out the work in to keep walking with the Lord into his future building, his kingdom.

Lastly please pray for safety. Safety on the plane, safety in the country, safety and taking the vaccines and medicines necessary. The last mission trip that I went on, my uncle tragically passed away during the trip. I have a few traumas and can get anxiety over big trips now so please be praying that I can feel peace and do my job well.

Why I want to go!

The main reason I want to go on summer internship is to have an intensive eye opening time with the Lord and his children where I will get a glimpse of my potential working to bring about the kingdom of God. Seems like I’ve been waiting my whole life for this trip and I can’t wait to see how it preps me for this new season in my life where I am moving out and going to college to start my biblical education.

Thanks for getting to know me and Please consider donating. Thank you, and God bless.


Justice Tsedeq Garner


Get to Know Jenna


School Visit