Get to Know Julian

All about Jules.

My name is Julian Carrion, originally from Philadelphia, Pa I am an 18-year-old freshman at the Institute for G.O.D. heading into my second semester. Since I am from Philadelphia, yes, my favorite food is cheesesteaks, but pork from Puerto Rico is a close second because of my roots in PR. 

Favorite Bible Verse: 

"To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace." (Romans 8:6) 

Fun Fact: I am a teacher's assistant at the G.O.D.'s K–12 school (Academy for G.O.D.) at the junior high level. (I LOVE MY JOB!) 

What are your hopes for this trip? 

My hope is to become more culturally aware and globally conscious of people’s needs around the world. Through my internship, I hope to gain a better perspective on how God sees the poor and the vulnerable and what our responsibilities are as disciples of Jesus. I want to also develop my understanding of God's word and grow in deeper unity with my fellow interns and leaders. 

We are going to get to serve alongside our cooperatives (who I also take classes with at the Institute for G.O.D) in Uganda, and I can't wait to see what a good team all of us are together. One of my skillsets I want to develop is public speaking, and I am looking forward to the Lord not only developing that within me but also my leaders giving me biblically-influenced feedback. 

How can people be praying for you? 

I could use prayer for strength throughout this trip. I know that the Lord and my leaders are going to challenge me, and can't wait to see how the Lord provides and educates us. As well as prayer for my physical protection as we will be travelling abroad. 


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