Get to Know Genesis

Get to Know Me...

Hi! I'm Genesis! I am 21 years old and from Nashville, TN :) Here are a few need-to-know things about me!

Favorite bible verse: "The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:5 - Amen! Am I right??

Favorite food: Probably french fries. I wish it was some other food but realistically I can't ever say no to them and I think of 'em all the time. 

Fun fact: My great-great-grandfather was the chief of a native Filipino tribe. Making me, presently, a princess. 

Mission Skill Set:

  • My team can count on me to be able to lead dance sessions during any youth conferences we facilitate. I can also teach performing arts as well as a bible class at school visits. I can also lead songs in both English and Swahili/Luganda for our visits to churches/schools/jails.

  • My team can additionally count on me to be capable of filming and documenting the events in a day and creating an Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok video that creatively and accurately shows what all our day and services entailed. 

  • Thirdly, I can lead worship for our team and cooperatives. 

How can you PRAY?

  • You all can pray that my experiences as a junior leader on this trip would further my capacity to be in a developing country with others and productively work alongside a team to accomplish the service efforts we set out to do. 

  • I want to grow in my ability to think ahead of a moment for what I might need in terms of resources. I want to always be more prepared than unprepared for a change in circumstances or plans (seeing as that’s something that inevitably happens in the developing world.)

  •  I also want to grow in my confidence to testify in front of the churches that we visit. 

  • Lastly, I'd appreciate prayer for my mind to be open to dreaming with the Lord. I want to be actively thinking about what kind of service I can offer on the ground currently that I can see myself using in whatever occupation I choose to move forward within the next couple of years. 

WHY are you going?

For several reasons!

  •  I'm going on this trip because I want to take every opportunity I can to go abroad and get experiences that a trip like this offers for a bible college student/agent of change in training like me (prison visits, teaching at schools, learning to cook local foods, visiting rural churches, visiting villages, and ministering to them, etc...).

  • I initially wrote here that I also want to continue to learn my limits on this trip so that I can let the Lord teach me my ability to overcome those limits when relying on my leaders and him to help me, but recently I've been given direct words from 3 specific mentors of mine (none of them know the others have spoken with me as well) that all preach the same message: Pace yourself. Don't take on a load that you can't handle or one that's not for you yet. So, I am praying that God would reveal to me what pacing myself could mean within the context of this specific trip. It's my second time returning to Africa since going as a child and I am hopeful that God has more for me there. I am hopeful he has people he wants me to meet, learn from, and be touched by. I am praying those encounters become the stories that push me forward in my biblical education and my future as a missionary.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading through my fundraising page! Please, prayerfully consider what you can donate and know that your generosity will be remembered by me and used for the advancement of God's Kingdom! If you do choose to donate, I will follow up with you following my trip with photos and stories that showcase what YOU helped make happen. 

May God bless you and keep you!


Genesis Garner


Get to Know Ethan


Get to Know Zeke