Gabby - Update 2: Morristown Blog

Our last night at the cabin, a dinner was held by the pastoral care team for both Morristown and Nashville church leaders. After this, we had a night of worship together one last time. The Lord’s presence immediately filled the room, and everyone was on their hands and knees praising God. Praising him for making his Spirit known, and for giving us a set apart time to grow in relational dynamics with both our Morristown and Nashville C4GOD communities. Every single person in the room was touched by the Lord. Whether it was a time of healing from grief and hardship in families, or just the Lord being so present in the hearts of those worshiping him. All of the Morristown community are renewed because of this retreat and I know I will hold onto it for a lifetime.


Justice - Update 2: Morristown Blog


Zeke - Update 2: Morristown Blog