Jenna - Update 1: Lessons from Day 1

This morning's events were a great way to start off this trip and a good introduction into how the rest of Boot Camp is going to be. I clearly saw different people’s skills and abilities come into play as some immediately took charge and others followed, some were creative thinkers and some were more practical. Through that experience, though, we learned a lot of valuable lessons for a trip like this: to pay attention to details, entertain all ideas, and never take periods of waiting for granted. Overall, it was so much fun to be able to see all of us, whether we’re on Internship or Immersion, come together to create a fun product.

Based on this experience, I am really looking forward to how we are going to grow together as a team and learn from and with each other. It was also a very valuable experience in learning discernment and how we will apply that to reading environments and people on this trip.


Zeke - Update 1: My Hopes for This Summer


Elijah - Update 1: My Hopes for This Summer