Campus Renovations

By Walt Reynolds

I was very grateful to participate in renovations on our campus in East Africa, especially after receiving Bible studies about the responsibility God gave man to work and maintain the garden in Genesis 1 and 2. Everything I worked on was very exciting to me. I spent one day in the garden, one day helping run a water tap line for the nearby primary school, and two days doing landscaping on the campus.

I especially enjoyed them because I have experienced doing all of those things in Nashville, so I got to use some of the skills I developed from Hopewell Gardens, MCH Nashville, and Music City Landscaping. I know that I’m not just giving energy for the sake of aesthetics, but I’m serving people by making a hospitable environment for them the same way God did for his people in Eden.

We learned from Genesis 2:6 that God created an irrigation system so his kids could go to school (walk with him), and I got to image God by doing the same thing for the kids at the school in Uganda. I got to make the campus more ready for hosting young people to come and learn God’s Word, which is so important. I know my work has value beyond the tasks themselves, and I was grateful to participate in God’s Work rather than just being a recipient of it.


Cross-Cultural Communication


Meal Prep