Luciana - Update 3: SLAM Blog

This week us interns got the opportunity to serve as SLAM leaders. We did this to learn about how SLAM is run and to collect that information and put it into a presentation. I was really blessed by this experience. I truly enjoyed meeting SLAM students and serving alongside them and growing in my leadership abilities.  I felt so comfortable and confident as I was given tasks to do throughout this week. I was a service projects representative throughout the week, as well as a co-leader of a small group. Also I got to sing for some worship sessions. 

I'd like to testify to how these opportunities and sermons have built me up so much. I feel like a capable part of God’s workmanship. Many of my friends have encouraged me and spoken truth into my moment. As I push myself to serve and give my all, the Lord gave me what I needed. The testimonies of the SLAM students were incredibly encouraging. I was so blessed to see how the Lord was working in their week. will continue to be praying for these SLAM students I met and got to minister to.


Gabby - Update 3: Week 2 Blog


Justice - Update 3: Week 2 Blog