Morristown Mission

Journal Prompt

What is a moment you want to remember from your trip to Morristown?

My Thoughts

A moment that I want to remember from my Morristown trip would be the Sunday morning worship time. The songs we sang were in Spanish and as I do not speak Spanish I tried my darndest to say the words on the screen and sing to the Lord without getting distracted by my inability to speak the language. The people who attend church there were so expressive and joyful during our worship time. Their prayers were loud and they placed their hands on people’s heads while shouting, and crying on the floor. It wasn’t that I was shocked by these kinds of outward expressions, I knew from talking to some residents of Morristown that a lot of people worshiped in that way, but it was so different to see it happening and I felt overwhelmed and uncomfortable. But then I prayed, and I asked the Lord to remove that feeling inside of me and to help me see how he was moving in that moment. When I opened my eyes and started to really look at my friends who were sobbing into the ground and the pillars of the Morristown community that were praying over them with such care and intense sincerity, the Lord helped me to see how raw and pure that time was. That worship time has now led me to ask the questions of why am I not able to get to the point of such expression of raw emotion before the Lord? I’m excited to explore that and grow in my relationship with the Lord by becoming someone who is able to lay everything before him whenever and wherever, no matter the language or my own level of comfortability. I am also so thankful to the Morristown community for hosting my whole group with such love and joy. They are seriously the best people who love and serve the Lord with all their hearts. I’m so thankful for what I learned from them and from them and for our time we got to spend together as a whole. 

Side note: They had some of the best food I’ve ever eaten. **Insert drool emoji**


Vlog #2


SLAM Week Impact