SLAM Week Impact

Journal Prompt

SLAM Nashville week: What did you learn? How were you challenged? What will you take away from this experience?

My Thoughts

This week we had the opportunity of participating in being a part of SLAM week. It was an amazing experience to see so many youth that truly want to serve the Lord and are excited to worship him. I was able to go with some of the students from the Academy for G.O.D. to a kids camp. I also was able to help plan the activities that would go on during rec stations. It was challenging to do that though because of the filming going on for the College Tour. Because of practicing my script and filming of the show I wasn’t able to make as much of an impact as I wanted to. 

Another challenge that I faced was trying to overcome being reserved with the kids. There are times when I don't really want to interact but I knew it was important to try to connect with the kids. I did get a chance to speak with some of the kids from the Messiah church. I talked with them and got to know a little bit about them when I went out to dinner with them. They were good kids and we had a good time. I think I could work on trying to have more meaningful connections with them and I hope to see them again if they come back next year.


Vlog #1


SLAM Week Impact