First Impressions

Journal Prompt

How was your first day? What stood out to you?

My Thoughts

My first day was very impactful and already extremely liberating. Throughout the day, there was a constant theme of freedom for me. Almost every activity or event taught me more about freedom whether it be personally or generally. There were some tough spots though. I definitely felt like I failed in a few areas, but I know that I can grow from those mistakes while continuing to learn in order to be the person God wants me to be. For example, perception was emphasized heavily today since we are going into unfamiliar locations. Through this emphasis, I realized that I lacked in how perceptive I was. There were many things throughout the day that just passed me by without me noticing. However, now I know that I can work on that. There were many other examples of this. 

The event that stood out to me the most today was the first worship session. I felt very reserved when I started, but by the end of it, I felt a freedom in worship that I have not felt in a long time. I was free to be loud and emotional. I was free to move in expressive ways. I was free to give myself completely to the Lord. If I want the Lord to draw closer to me, I need to come to Him sincerely and honestly. I learned that through this worship session and I’m thankful for it. I hope to continue to have this vigor and freedom in my worship through my entire life.


First Impressions


First Impressions