Merci - Update 1: My Hopes for This Summer

My first hope for the trip is that I would be able to continue to cultivate my relationships with my friends abroad in Uganda. Being able to return after a whole year and to spend the summer with them makes me so excited. I hope that God will deepen our unity and shared resolve to serve the poor and share the light of Jesus.

My second hope is that I could increase my discernment of God’s voice. I want to be able to hear God’s direction and respond in obedience in every moment!

My third and final hope for Summer Internship is that God would continue to grow my confidence in speaking and doing what he asks of me. I pray he stretches and refines me in this junior leadership role, and that his calling for my life would look clearer and clearer as I serve his people!


Merci - Vlog 1


Moriah - Vlog 1