Moriah - Update 4: Lessons from Bombo: Embracing Heartbreak and Purpose in Midwifery

On July 3 I got the chance to go to the Bombo clinic to help clean. Upon arriving Jordan gave me a rundown of the clinic and what takes place there. I came to find out that they have a maternity ward and they assigned Jordan, Erin, Luci and I to clean the floors. The experience was challenging because what my eyes were seeing felt so unreal. While we were there, there was a woman in the labor/delivery room who I later learned had been in labor for a few days The nurse midwife (the only one there) decided it was time to transfer her to the facility most often used to treat military personnel because it had more equipment to perform a c-section. To transfer her, they put this laboring woman on a boda. My heart broke for this woman and her baby. Through this experience God is teaching me how it’s okay to let my heart break at what I am seeing but I can’t let it crush me and stop me from continuing to pursue my calling for midwifery. Instead, letting it drive me in the reason why I am doing what I am doing.


Jenna - Update 4: EA SLAM Service Camp Reflection


Genesis - Update 4: East Africa: Exuding Light and Discovering Leadership