Make a Real Difference

Go On Mission With Jesus
—> Summer Internship

Summer 2023


"And Jesus said to them, “Go into all the world and tell them the good news for all creation!” Mark 16:15


A Mission Unlike Any Other

40 Days • 4 Countries • 12 Plane Rides • 200 Hours of Bible Study & Worship • Expert Leadership


Get Biblically Equipped. Get God’s Vision. Get on Jesus’ Mission.

Get Equipped.

Luke 6:46 “Why do you call me Lord and not do what I say?” Jesus question to his followers is still relevant today. How many disciples of Christ are doing what they want to do, instead of what he says? And worse, don’t know the difference? Don’t be one of those people! Be a disciple of Jesus who both “hears” and “does.”

Get Vision.

As a result of intensive times of Bible study, worship, and prayer, you will get God’s vision for the world. God’s vision for the coming of his Kingdom. God’s vision for the mission of his people - the disciples of his Son, Jesus. Once you get this, the whole world changes. Literally. The whole world will change!

Live a Mission.

When Jesus said, “follow me,” he wasn’t inviting you into a religion. He was inviting you into a life full of adventure! This great joy doesn’t come without a struggle, but Jesus the author and model for our faith (Hebrews 11:1, 2) leads us into a life acceptable to God where blind see, deaf hear, lame walk, lepers are cleansed, dead are raised to life, and the poor have the gospel preached to them! (Matthew 11:5)

Don’t Waste Your Time Being Ineffective!

Not knowing what you don’t know sucks.
Don’t just go on any mission trip.
You were meant for more!

On the Summer Internship

You will be equipped by educated, experienced, and capable leaders who have degrees in Theology, Biblical Studies, Missiology, Community Development, Global Studies, International Law, and Linguistics!


At G.O.D. International

We know you want to be someone who makes a real difference in the world.

The problem is, opportunities are everywhere but very few are biblically driven, making you feel like you’re wasting time—where you’re doing something but not doing anything at all.

Boot Camp

Attend our Bible, Worship, Prayer, Service, and Team Building Intensive Training Camp at the GOD International Headquarters in Nashville, TN. Every day is jam-packed, so make sure you’re both physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually ready for this incomparable event!

Dates TBD

est. $1,595


After Boot Camp, continue your journey across the Western Hemisphere and engage in authentic ministry at our Latin American Campus in El Salvador. Living amongst the locals, you’ll be facilitating ministry in a variety of ways, while continuing in Bible studies connecting God’s Word to the world you’re witnessing.

Dates TBD

est. $3,795


Flying to the other side of the globe you’ll arrive in East Africa, living amongst the locals on our campuses in Kenya and Uganda. There you will continue the facilitation of ministry, where the increased intensity of the trip culminates in the most exciting application of all you learned all summer!

Dates TBD

est. $5,995

Your Mission—Maximum Impact


Your mission is intentionally designed by missionaries and nationals (leaders who are from your destination countries) with over 25 years of experience to maximize impact serving with GOD international.

From the first week of “Boot Camp” through the duration of the trip, you will implement a variety of service efforts amongst a diversity of demographics, here and abroad! You’ll facilitate ministry through:


The Arts
Health Care

Social Services
Widow & Elderly Care

…and more!


For the 1st time in over 10 years, Founder/CEO of GOD International, Gregg Garner will be leading this Summer’s Internship!



This is How You Make It Happen



Fill out our application for the Summer Internship to get started.

Prepare & Network

After acceptance, join your fellow Interns on our virtual network where you’ll have training opportunities and team meetings.


June 20, 2021, Day 1 of 40 begins at our 40-acre campus in Nashville, TN.

We understand your heart to serve and how confusing it can be to choose the right missions opportunity.

So stop wasting time wondering whether you are doing something that actually makes a difference—Make a Real One.

our eBook.

10 Mistakes People Make When Deciding on Their Summer Mission Trip.

Written By Gregg D. Garner