Welcome to the Summer Internship Blog

If you are signed up and ready to go or still exploring your options our Blog is a resource for those looking for information about summer mission trips. College students, high schoolers, parents, and young adults can all read articles, learn tips, get updates and even interact with other participants present and past.

Fundraising for Mission Trips
Laurie Kagay Laurie Kagay

Fundraising for Mission Trips

Often, your first question after signing up for a mission trip is, “how in the world am I going to raise funds?”

Usually, your thoughts go to working extra jobs or utilizing your savings to cover the cost. Rarely do people start by making a request on their network. This is a mistake. Each of you has people who invested into your life to help you become who you are today. Allowing those individuals to help you follow Jesus is a gift to them, not a burden. But, you have to be genuine.

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