Welcome to the Summer Internship Blog

If you are signed up and ready to go or still exploring your options our Blog is a resource for those looking for information about summer mission trips. College students, high schoolers, parents, and young adults can all read articles, learn tips, get updates and even interact with other participants present and past.

Overcoming Fear and Doubt While on Jesus’ Mission.
Hannah Duffy Hannah Duffy

Overcoming Fear and Doubt While on Jesus’ Mission.

In the summer of 2006, I went on the Global Summer Internship, which included mission trips to Jamaica, Guatemala, and the Philippines. As an 18-year-old, I already knew the Lord had called me to serve him with my life by caring for “the least of these.” Though I was plagued with insecurity, feelings of inadequacy, fear, and doubt, I told the Lord I would follow him wherever he led me. 

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